Ms. Alexandra
Clinician Experiences
Ms. Leidig uses she/they pronouns

Clinician Support
Team Engagement
Outreach Connections
Intake Coordination
“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
I am honored to be a part of the CFT team and stand behind our mission, which is one that I feel strongly exemplifies my own morals and values. Enhancing accessibility to quality, affordable, inclusive and diverse mental health care stands out as one of my life's passions. My partnership with CFT has forged the way to help connect amazing clients with the care they deserve.
As an administrator currently focusing on Clinician Experiences, my goal is to provide the highest standard of support to our providers so that they can focus their attention on offering the highest quality of care possible for our clients.
In addition to my work with CFT I am also completing my own master's degree in Social Work through Loyola University of Chicago.
In my free time, I enjoy volunteering at one of Chicago's busiest food pantries and I also frequently offer my services as a guest speaker and life coach to Chicagoland's alternative-lifestyle community.