June, often celebrated as Pride Month, can be a month of jubilation and increased visibility for LGBTQIA+ identified folks. With exciting social events, vibrant parades, and meaningful
connections with others, June can create an atmosphere of acceptance and joy. But what
happens in the days and weeks following the end of June? For some in the LGBTQ+ community, this time can evoke a complex range of emotions, from relief to sadness, loneliness or even feelings of loss.
It’s been called post-Pride blues or the Rainbow Crash, and it refers to the mental and
emotional experience of some queer folks following the conclusion of Pride Month. It’s
important to acknowledge that post-Pride blues is not a universal experience and can manifest differently for each person, with its severity varying.
Causes of post-Pride Blues
Social Exhaustion: Pride Month can mean attending more social events, engaging in advocacy work, and feeling connected with one’s own community. All of these can be incredibly rewarding but can lead individuals feeling drained once the celebrations have ended.
Disconnection and Isolation: The feeling of belonging and sense of community experienced during Pride Month can be difficult to replicate the rest of the year. Returning to daily life can be challenging especially for folks who aren’t living and working in environments that are affirming of their identities.
Heightened Visibility: While the increased representation and visibility of LGBTQIA+ folx during Pride Month can be empowering and lifesaving, it can also lead to experiences of discrimination, rejection, and even violence. With increased visibility individuals can also experience feelings of increased vulnerability which can be overwhelming.
Coping strategies for post-Pride blues
Self-Care: Prioritize practices that make you feel good. This can be as simple as doing activities that bring you joy, practicing mindfulness, doing yoga, journaling, or making yourself a nourishing meal.
Maintain connections: Stay connected with the queer community beyond Pride Month.
Seek out support groups, patronize queer-owned businesses, and use online forums to connect with others with shared identities who can provide a sense of belonging.
Process and Reflect: Take time to reflect on your experiences during Pride Month—both positive and negative. Seek support from therapists and close friends to help integrate your experiences during Pride Month. Learn the history of Pride and/or read books that center queerness.
Engage in Meaningful Activities: Volunteer your time to a local LGBTQIA+ advocacy organization to maintain a sense of purpose and connection beyond Pride Month.
Experiencing post-Pride blues is a valid response to the conclusion of Pride Month and
understanding why you’re feeling this can help in finding ways to navigate through this emotional adjustment. Taking time to care for yourself, connecting with community, processing your Pride experiences, and engaging in meaningful volunteer work are all ways to support your emotional wellbeing and sustain feelings of Pride all year